a: Sometimes. If I were taller, I could be a basketball Star.
Expression for answering ´Do you ever´:
- All the time
- Sometimes
- Occasionally
- Yes, but not often
- Yes, but rarely
- No, never
Do you ever wish any of these things? Explain:
You were faster?
Do you ever wish you were faster? Occasionally. If I were faster, I could do more things.
You were richer?
Do you ever wish you were richer? Sometimes. If I were richer, I could travel more, and spend money
You were better looking?
Do you ever wish you were better-looking? Yes but not often. If I were better-looking, I could get better job?
to make: make a cake, a decision, a mistake.
to do: do things, do homework.
better looking: pretty, atractive, beatiful.
on the dole: Paro
To dole out: enviar al Paro
make sure: asegurarse
tap: grifo
squatter: ocupa
purse: monedero mujer
wallet: monedero hombre
just in case: por si acaso
Usos del "qué":
what --> question
that --> relative
than --> comparative
Write the questions. Use the cues.
q: Where would you live if you were famous?
a: If I was famous, I´d live in Paris.
q: What would you buy, if you have a lot of money?
a: If I had a lot of money, I´d travel around the world.
q: What would you do, if you had an extra hour a day?
a: If I had an extra hour day, I´d sleep more.
q: Whay would you do if you found someone´s purse?
a: If I found someone´s purse, I´d go to the police station.
q: Where would you go if you had a month off?
a: If I had a month off, I´d walk "Camino de Santiago"
That´s all, Falks
Good Courtesy
3 comentarios:
Por un momento creía que te habías ido de la olla.
Lo primero que veo es un artículo en inglés y es lo primero que he pensado. Luego he descendido y he visto el motivo, eso es otra cosa.
No está de más saber otros idiomas, sobretodo cuando te vas de vacaciones fuera de España y tienes que entenderte con la gente.
Ya sabes, a aplicarse, y todos los deberes hechos.
Que manera de repasar mas efectiva.
Me queda la duda, en la cuarta preguanta se lee "Whay" es "What" ¿verdad?
Martín, a veces si que se me va la olla, la perola y hasta la cocina. Y si no, que se lo pregunten a mi mujer.
Amigo anónimo, tienes razón no es "Whay" sino "What". Así que, efectivamente es efectiva. Repaso y me corrigen. Lo más importante.
Buena Cortesía
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